Chinese Paktong Candlesticks |
 Chinese Export Hunt Platter |
 A Great Pair of Chinoiserie Pierced Gu Form Vases |
 Pair of Polished Steel Andirons |
 China Trade Painting |
 Cherry Serpentine Front Chest with Canted Corners |
 Paint Decorated Tin Coffee Pot |
 Connecticut Cherry Queen Anne Highboy |
 Philadelphia Dish Top Candlestand |
 Rare Pair of Chinese Export Garden Seats |
 Pair of Silver Candlesticks by John Cafe |
 Hopkins and Lewis 8 Day Wooden Works Tall Clock |
 O/C Still Life with Fruit on a Marble Slab |
 Rose Medallion Barrel Form Garden Seat |
 Tiger Maple Desk 34 1/2" wide |
 S.F.M. Badger o/c of the 3 Masted Schooner |
 Oil on Canvas of The Hongs at Canton |
 Chinese Export Silver Cann with Dragon Handle |
 Scrimshaw Tooth With A Ship and A Gentleman |
 Blue and White Chinese Export Garden Seat |
 Canton Cider Jug |
 Howard and Davis #2 Banjo Clock |
 Pear Form Tea Caddy |
 Silver Tankard by William Shaw & William Priest |
 Pair of Chinese Export Cockatoos |
 Chinese Export Mandarin Plaque in Rosewood Frame |
 Chinese Export Porcelain Charger in the Famille Rose Pattern |
 English Silver Tankard 1711 by Richard Green |
 Chinese Silver Cann by Hung Chong |
 Rare Pair of Chinese Export Covered Vases |
 Very Rare Signed Petal Base Candlesticks |
 Silver Salver |
 China Trade Oil Painting of an American Ship Approaching Macao |
 Pair of Signed WEBB Brass oil Lamps. |
 O/C The Tug SAMSON by Otto Muhlenfeld |
 The Best Inlaid Sailors Ditty Box |
 Judgement of Paris Chinese Export Plate |
 Rare set of 4 Sterling Candlesticks |
 10 Inch Kang Xi Chinese Export Plate |
 O/C Portrait of Two Young Children from the Norton Family |
 Rare Chinese Export Hunt Bowl |
 A Very Large Salver by Hester Bateman |
 A Great Canton Cider Jug |
 Cherry Reverse Serpentine Front Chest of Drawers |
 The Porter Family Bonnet Top Cherry Secretary |
 Huge Eagle Decorated Punch Bowl 14 3/4 |
 Antique Scrimshaw Dipper |
 Scrimshaw Polychrome Decorated Tooth |
 Antique Schrimshaw Tooth with Spanish Colonial Themes. |
 Bronze of a Setter on Point by Pierre Jules Mene (1810-1878) |
 Large Pair of Gilt Carved Wooden Wall Brackets |
 Bold Tiger Maple Chest on Chest |
 Large Pair of Rose Canton Palace Vases with Tops |
 Important Reverse Serpentine Front Ball and Claw Foot Chest |
 Classical Mahogany Work Table |
 A Pair of China Trade Port Paintings |
 Full Bodied Horse Weathervane |
 Full Bodied Rooster Weather Vane |
 Very Rare Chinese Porcelain Hunt Bowl |
 Large NanKing Cider Jug |
 St. Julian by J.W.Fiske |
 James Lapham Miniature Decoy |
 Antique Scrimshaw Polychrome Swift |
 Antique English Brass Standish |
 Pear Tea Caddy |
 Apple Tea Caddy |
 O/C The Old Homestead by Henry Pember Smith |
 Bold Tiger Maple Tall Chest |
 A Great Small Flaming Birch Reverse Serpentine Ball and Claw Foot Chest |
 Tall Pair of English Sterling Candlesticks By William Cafe |
 A 3 Piece Mandarin Garniture Set |
 The American Yacht Fleur-De-Lys By Antonio De Simone 1908 |
 A Very Fine Black Hawk Weathervane |
 O/C Portrait of a Girl in a Blue Dress |
 Matched Set of Four George III Silver Candlesticks |
 Great Inlaid Oval Tea Caddy |
 Bold Tiger Maple Desk |
 Rooster Weather Vane |
 Very Rare Tiny Canton Cider Jug |
 Dexter Full Bodied Weathervane |
 Lyre Shaped Tea Caddy |
 Tiger Maple 7 Drawer Tall Chest |
 Tall Pair of Queen Anne Petal Base Candlesticks |
 Inlaid Tea Caddy with Brass Finial |
 Antique Scrimshaw Pie Crimper in the shape of a Bird |
 The Capt. Robert Tabor Busk |
 Eagle Weathervane with Great Surface attributed to Harris |
 Antique Scrimshaw Busk with Pin Wheels |
 Chinese Imari Tea Caddy |
 Rare Miniature sideboard form TEA CADDY |
 An OCTANT by Spencer & Browning |
 A Fine Pair of Chinese Export Rouge de Fer Kang Xi Chargers |
 A Very Rare Antique Mellon Tea Cady |
 Inlaid Cut Corner Tea Caddy |
 A Rare Pear Shaped Tea Cady |
 Woolie is of the English SHIP SHANNON |
 Pair of George II Sterling Silver Candlesticks by John Priest |
 Mandarin Brush |
 Huge Fitzhugh Tankard |
 School Girl Painted Tiger Maple Box |
 Blackhawk Weather Vane |
 Antique Scrimshaw Swift |
 Very Large Chines Silver Dragon Decorated Tankard. |
 Hepplewhite Mahogany Candlestand with Urn Pedestal |
 Chinese Export Soup Tureen with Monogram |
 Canton Tea Pot |
 19th Century Dutch Brass Chandelier |
 Tiger Maple Highboy |
 Pair of Chinese Export Ice Cream Dishes |
 Supressed Ball Philadelphia Candlestand |
 New Hampshire 8 Day Tall Clock Att. to Silas Parsons |
 Very Large Canton Milk Pitcher |
 American Pilot House Eagle |
 Yacht Painting by John Austin Taylor |
 Armorial Tea Pot with British Lion Finial Arms of Booth |
 American Silver Tea Service By William Thompson, New York |
 Pair of Queen Anne Petal Based Candlesticks |
 O/C of the Ship Carr Rock |
 Chinese Export Famille Rose Barrel Form Mug |
 O/C China Trade Painting of the Boca Tigres. |
 Chinese Export Tea Caddy in the Imari Pattern |
 A Pair of Chinese Export Armorial Porcelain Plates |
 Queen Anne Tiger Maple Desk |
 Pair of Armorial Dinner Plates, Arms of Gregorie |
 Pair of English Sterling Candlesticks, by John Cafe |
 American O/C Still Life of Fruit |
 Large Pair of Chinese Export Roosters |
 Pair of Chinese Armorial Plates, Arms of Simpson impaling Brydges |
 Small Armorial Under Tray Arms of Knott |
 The Hongs at Canton, Chinese Reverse Painting on Glass |
 Armorial Soup Tureen and Undertray, Arms of SAYER |
 Pair of Silver Candlesticks by William Grundy 1749-50 |
 English Tea Cady with Two Inlaid Shells |
 A Brace Back Continuous Arm Windsor Chair in Old Yellow Paint |
 A Pair of Mandarin Palette Baluster form Vases. |
 Bold Tiger Maple Desk, 36 |
 Scrimshaw Decorated Walnut Footstool |
 A Large 17 1/2 |
 Antique Chinese Silver Cann by Luen Wo Shanghai |
 The Best Philadelphia Walnut Dressing Table |
 Silver Chalice by Charles Wright London 1778 |
 Pair of Carved Wooden Urns with Brass Rings |
 Scrimshaw Busk- Engraved Forget Me Not |
 Very Large Chinese Export Tea Canister |
 Very Large Chinese Silver Tea Cady |
 A Strong Tiger Maple 33 inch Case Width Chest |
 Chinese Silver Dragon Bowl |
 A Fine Pair of Inlaid Knife Boxes |
 A Great Scrimshaw Inlaid Sailors Ditty Box |
 Brass Telescope on Stand from Boston |
 PAIR of Blue and White Chinese Export Soup Bowls |
 Polychrome Scrimshaw Busk |
 Schrimshaw Busk |
 O/C On The Scent, A Great American Hunting Scene |
 Very Large Copper Measure |
 Chinese Export Dinner Plate Bearing the Arms of Renny |
 Pair Of Inlaid Mahogany Knife Boxes |
 Rouge De Fer Kang Xi Charger |
 Cherry Corner Chair |
 Very FineO/C of a Mother and Her Two Daughters |
 Cherry Tilt Top Candlestand with Dish Top and Bird Cage Support |
 Model 1860 Civil War Naval Cutlass |
 Large Mocha Mug |
 A Pair of Mocha Sand Decorated Vases |
 Sheraton Minature Chest |
 Pair of Queen Anne Petaled Base Push Up Candlesticks |
 Brass Inlaid Camphor Wood Campaign Desk |
 O/C of a Child by Mabel Woodward |
 A Chelsea Bronze Tambour Clock #3 |
 O/C Hudson River View with Fishermen |
 Large Artistic Carving Co Eagle |
 Large American Tea Cady or Chest |
 Four Piece Art Deco Sterling Tea Service by Crichton & Co. |
 Sheraton Mahogany Sewing Stand |
 Chinese Porcelain Republic Period Plaque |
 Pair of Mid Drip Taper Candlesticks 3 3/4 |
 Pair of Taper Candlesticks |
 Pair of Queen Anne Petal Based Candlesticks |
 PA Dish Top Candlestand with Birdcage. |
 Bold Tiger Maple Hepplewhite sewing stand |
 Antique Scrimshaw Paperweight with Fist Carving |
 China Trade Oil Painting of a Junk. |
 Terriers Chasing a Rabbit att. to G. Armfield |
 Miniature Mahogany Chest of Drawers |
 11 1/2 |
 Tiger Maple Inlaid Oval Tea Caddy |
 American Miniature inlaid Chest |
 Very Large Pair of Chinese Export Blue and White Tea Canisters |
 The Great Oak in the Meadows by Henry Pember Smith |
 Mahogany Inlaid Pembroke Table |
 New England Village scene by Otis Pierce Cook ( 1900-1980) |
 A pair of Peking Glass Lotus Bowls |
 China Trade Painting of the Nine Stage Pagoda at Whampoa |
 8 Fitzhugh 10 |
 O/C Rockport Harbor Scene By Antonio Cirino |
 Very Rare 3 Piece Nanking Vegetable |
 American Federal Tall Case Clock |
 Pair of Mandarin Trumpet Form Vases |
 Antique Scrimshaw Tooth of Folky Flower Garden |
 Incised Ovoid Stoneware Jug |
 Pair of Chinese Export Porcelain Cabbage Leaf Candlesticks |
 Chinese Export Mandarin Mug |
 New Hampshire Mirror Clock |
 Chinese Export Silver Cann with Bamboo Decoration |
 5 |
 A Gouche of The Hongs at Canton |
 O/C China Trade Portrait of Capt Walker |
 O/C of the J Boat |
 Chinese Export Soup Tureen in the Mandarin Pattern |
 Large Armorial Chinese Export Charger |
 11 1/2 |
 The Best One Drawer Sewing Stand With Bag Drawer |
 Rose Medallion Cut Corner Bowl |
 A Pair of Mandarin Vases |
 Miniature American Hepplewhite Mahogany and Birdseye Maple Chest |
 Girondle Mirror |
 A Pair of Pearlware Plates with Hope and Anchor |
 A Set of Three China Trade Port Paintings |
 Ethan Allen Horse Weathervane |
 Birdseye Maple Sheraton One Drawer Stand |
 Sheraton Mahogany Two Drawer Server |
 Chinese Stand with Blue and White Porcelain Top |
 Canton Cut Corner Bowl |
 Large Chinese Export Rooster |
 Mahogany Hepplewhite Tilt Top Candlestand with Spade Feet |
 Scrimshaw Jagging Wheel with Baleen Ring |
 A Fine Pair of Mandarin Vases |
 PA Walnut Dish Top Bird Cage Tea Table |
 Pair of Taper Candlesticks 3 |
 Woolie of an English Ship |
 Bishop and Bradley Pillar and Scroll Clock |
 Antique Scrimshaw Tooth with a Woman |
 Chinese Export Rose Medallion Umbrella Stand |
 Mary Adams Busk |
 O/C China Trade River Scene |
 Celadon Bulb Tray |
 New England Oval Top Tavern Table |
 China Trade Arm chair with Famille Verte Porcelain Panels |
 Imari Umbrella Stand |
 Scrimshaw Spokeshave |
 Chinese Export Silver Round Box with Dragon Decoration |
 Chinese Silver Lotus Bowl |
 36 |
 Pair of Silver Form Sauce Boats |
 Chinese Baluster Form Vase Hong Xian Imperial Marks |
 PAIR of Chinese Armorial Platters Arms of Trimnell |
 O/C USS ARANSAS by Antonio Jacobsen 1881 |
 Chinese Stand with Rose Medallion Plaque Top |
 O/C Trophy Brook Trout by Samuel W. Griggs |
 PA Walnut Childs Chest |
 Large Nanking Reticulated Fruit Basket and Under Tray |
 Cherry New England Tall Clock |
 Pair of 13 3/4 |
 Mahogany Astragal End Sewing Table |
 Chinese Silver Dragon Belt Buckle |
 Canton Octoganal Deep Serving Dish |
 Canton Charger |
 Bold Tiger Maple Candlestand |
 Great Tiger Maple Stand |
 Rare Small Mellon Shaped Canton Bowl |
 A Chinese Hardwood Altar Table |
 Rare Square Canton Tea Pot |
 Whaling Harpoon |
 Miniature Mahogany chest of Drawers |
 Sheraton Mahogany 2 Drawer Stand |
 Pair French Candlesticks |
 Chinese Export Strap Handled Covered Urn |
 Blue Decorated Stoneware Jar |
 Painted Corner Cupboard |
 Mahogany One Drawer Octagonal Sheraton Stand |
 Blue and White Warming Dish |
 O/B of US SS Madison by Antonio Jacobsen |
 Famille Rose Chinese Export Cann |
 Rose Medallion Tea Pot |
 T-Bridge Banjo Clock with Naval Battle Tablet |
 Chinese Export Silver Cup |
 Camphor Wood Brass Bound Campaign Chest |
 Small Canton Lighthouse Form Coffee Pot |
 Pair of Chinese Porcelain Roosters |
 O/B Dog Portrait by Edmund Bristow |
 Early Brass Candlestick |
 Early Brass Candlestick |
 Large Canton Mug |
 A Fine Pair of Tin Sconces. |
 O/C Vermont Landscape by Arthur B. Wilder, 1889 |
 Antique Scrimshaw Knife Eraser |
 Howard Banjo Clock #5 with label |
 Classical Mahogany Arm Chair |
 Fitz Hugh Platter |
 Rhode Island Tap Table |
 Banjo Clock attributed to Hatch |
 New Hampshire Gold Front Banjo Clock |
 Collection of 5 Armorial Demitasse Cups |
 Antique Scrimshaw Clothes Pin |
 Chinese Export Nanking Tea Pot |
 Famile Rose on Celadon Ground Tea Set |
 O/C of Full Rigged Ship signed Bruce Conrad |
 O/B "October Afternoon" by Antonio Cirino |
 Large Chelsea Ships Bell Clock 8 |
 Chelsea Motor Boat Clock 2 3/4 |
 A Fine Miniature Tea Table |